Magic Johnson: “Michael Jordan Is The Greatest Who Ever Played, Kobe Bryant Was Special”

Magic Johnson compared Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant by praising both but calling Jordan the greatest ever.Greatness only thing Lakers twosome shares with Shaq, Kobe - Los Angeles  Times
Greatness only thing Lakers twosome shares with Shaq, Kobe - Los Angeles  Times

Magic Johnson built close relationships with the two greatest shooting guards of all time. Michael Jordan has been one of his close friends since their playing days and he got to mentor Kobe Bryant on the Lakers. In a recent appearance on the Jennifer Hudson show, Magic compared the pair by calling Jordan the greatest ever but heavily complimenting Kobe by calling him special.Greatness only thing Lakers twosome shares with Shaq, Kobe - Los Angeles  Times

“He’s probably the closest dude to Michael Jordan. Michael is the greatest that’s ever played. But Kobe in terms of how he was able to, his mannerisms like Michael, the way he approached the game like Michael. Special.”


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