Surprising news: The Buffalo Sabres trade their most talented player to another weak ice hockey team.

Remarkably, the Buffalo Sabres trade their best player to another underperforming team.

Wednesday night finds the Buffalo Sabres back in action as they take on the Montreal Canadiens. Puck-drop is at 7:00 p.m.

The Sabres are tied with the New York Jets for the longest playoff drought among the four major sports, as it appears they will miss the postseason for a record 13th consecutive season. Fans now doubt the squad will ever be competitive again, which is not good for head coach Don Granato and general manager Kevyn Adams’ popularity ratings.

As of Wednesday, the Sabres’ postseason prospects were at a meager 2%, with them 12 points shy of a playoff berth.

NHL trading deadline for 2024 is March 8 at 3 p.m. Usually the busiest trade deadline among the four major sports, the Sabres are hoping to be sellers rather than buyers this season.

They might wind up dealing for a player that will help them get through this season as part of a deal that sells off a component or two. That was the case in 2003 when a team near the bottom of the standings, the Sabres, moved Chris Gratton to the Phoenix Coyotes for Danny Briere, who became a Buffalo star.

Though there’s a chance we’ll see a prospect or two shipped away or Adams swinging a deal for a goalie, the most likely transactions will involve four veterans who are being offered as rentals to playoff teams.

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