He’s been dogged by so many negative stories – and actually it doesn’t help him that so little is said by his friend Holly. She’s staying quiet and allowing it to percolate.
‘Every celebrity publicist knows that there is a date stamp, a best before date, tattooed on the rump of their clients. There have been rumours in the industry for some time about whether or not Phil can continue.
‘After the conviction of his brother, ITV will now be looking at his value and seeing so many negatives. They have even been trying people on screen who want to step into his shoes.’.
Mr Borkowski said that Holly is in a tricky position and can’t risk being dragged down with Schofield with ‘queuegate’ also hanging over her.
Brand and culture expert Nick Ede told MailOnline that Schofield may end up leaving ITV, perhaps to set up a rival to This Morning on Channel 5, who are throwing money around to sign stars such as Dan Walker.
He said: ‘I think that Phillip is a very popular tv presenter who has had many many successful years on screen. He still has a lot fans and I think that although his relationship on screen may be wavering he will have lots of other opportunities coming to him. He’s a bankable star. His popularity will see him overcome the current hurdles he’s facing’.
He added: ‘Another broadcaster may take him on or he will do radio for a while, as that’s lucrative and popular too, and he has a great knowledge of music’.
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