Once I got to Melbourne I have had the chance to make an MRI and I have micro tear on a muscle, not in the same part where I had the injury and that’s good news.”
Nadal said best of five sets matches were beyond him at this stage of his recovery but he remained upbeat.
“Within the sad news for me for not being able to play in front of the amazing Melbourne crowds, this is not very bad news and we all remain positive with the evolution for the season,” he said.
“I really wanted to play here in Australia and I have had the chance to play a few matches that made me very happy and positive.”
How upbeat he can stay remains to be seen.
Even though Nadal said he was remaining positive he told media earlier this week that after the surgery and rehab of 2023 he had moments where he considered hanging up his racquet.
Medical timeout rule tightening and French defection.
“I was not able to have a normal life and enjoy playing golf or doing the normal things that I like to do with my friends or with my family,” Nadal said ahead of the Brisbane tournament.
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