MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) – Due to the dry conditions across much of the state, Alabamians are being urged to be extra safe when using fuel and explosives over the Fourth of July.
Things like bonfires, barbecues, and fireworks are staples of Independence Day celebrations. AFC wants to remind you that these things can cause forest fires if not handled properly.
“With persisting dry conditions throughout Alabama, we’re issuing a fuels advisory for most counties. Grasses and timber litter have dried to the extent that fires start easily and can grow quickly,” said State Forester Rick Oates. “Despite some areas receiving rain recently, the excessive heat will negate any beneficial rainfall. According to the most recent Drought Monitor, much of the state is now classified as Abnormally Dry (D0) with a few areas listed as Moderate Drought (D1).” Oates continued, “People should be particularly cautious with burning in either of these areas as there is a higher chance of wildfire starts and escapes. There are even cases of fires rekindling from debris that was burned several days ago. In the past 10 days, the AFC has responded to 76 wildfires damaging approximately 1,507 acres.”
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