EXCLUSIVE: MAFS’ Jamie reveals the surprising reason why she rejected…….
Jamie Marinos has revealed the surprising reason why she rejected fellow MAFS bride Rhi Disljenkovic’s apology after their explosive retreat drama.
The 28-year-old marketing manager told Daily Mail Australia, she initially refused to accept Rhi’s apology because she wanted her to own up to her behaviour on camera.
‘Rhi did try to apologise to me once off camera, but I never heard from Carina,’ she said.
‘In the three days after the retreat, Rhi and Carina never called me or messaged me. At the retreat they could’ve just walked to my room if they really wanted to.’
She explained how disappointing it was that no one checked in on her despite knowing how upset she was.
‘Even though I wasn’t receptive at the time to receive an apology, when I finally left the room and tried to put myself back out there, Rhi tried to approach me later to apologise,’ Jamie revealed
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