The whole list of Wrexham fines for Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney, including one for breakfast.
Breaking news: He said this before his departure…
Wrexham co-owners Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney have a list of fines for players up on the changing-room door under their disciplinarian manager Phil Parkinson.
Paul Mullin, a striker for Wrexham, has revealed the specifics of the club’s severe punishment schedule, which was implemented by Phil Parkinson, the harsh manager whom Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney, the club’s co-owners, appointed.
Beginning the previous season, Parkinson, 55, had a productive conversation with the players about discipline. They were promoted not just after winning the National League but also received the Fair Play Award for having the best discipline record in the division.
There is focus on discipline off the field as well. As Mullin puts it in his recently released autobiography, “Paul Mullin: My Wrexham Story,” it’s “helping to enforce discipline”. “We have an embedded system of club fines,” he states. “The door to the changing room has the list up.”
£20 for arriving late to a meeting, the gym, or training.
On matchdays, late – £100. £100 for being late for the bus.
£100 late for a team night out.
£200 for failing to show up for a team outing.
£20 if breakfast is not consumed by 10.10 a.m.
The phone rings – £10.
£5 for not donning flip-flops while taking a shower.
Attending a game in flip-flops costs £10.
£10 for boot cleaning in the shower.
£50 will be given away as a match jersey.”
Moreover, Wrexham physiotherapists are authorized to impose lesser fines related to fitness and health standards. Among the offenses that carry a fine are:
During training, do not use your GPS
failing to notify an injury before taking a day off
Putting your exercise shoes on the exercise bed
arriving late for appointments
However, players do not necessarily get off lightly if the fine happens to be on the lower end of the scale. Mullin shares that there is a system of spinning a roulette wheel to “give the smaller fines a little something extra.”
“Get lucky, and you don’t have to pay,” he explains in the book. “Unlucky, and you can end up down Tesco buying everyone a shower gel. Then there’s the dice. Each number represents a forfeit, which can be quite excruciating.
“You might have to do a silent disco in front of the lads or a lap of the pitch in your underpants – not too bad in May, but pretty unpleasant in the sideways sleet of January.
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